Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Calgary Craft Fairs Reviews: Priddis Christmas Craft Show - November 16th, 2008

Calgary Craft Fairs Reviews: Priddis Christmas Craft Show - November 16th, 2008

Please add a comment below with the following information:
Overall Ranking (1 poor 10 excellent)
Busy? (1 dead 10 swamped)
Items that you were Selling
Approximate $ you made
Would you do the fair again next year?
Were there other craft fairs on the same day?

1 comment:

  1. Rank - 6
    Busy - 4
    Selling - Epicure Selections (Tara Page)
    Amt - $450
    Do Again? No
    Other Fairs - Yes, Redwood Meadows and Spruce Meadows
